START2ACT showcases Best Practices for startups and young SMEs

START2ACT showcases Best Practices for startups and young SMEs

The new START2ACT Best Practices feature companies and their motivation to implement concrete energy saving measures at the workplace, demonstrating how they have been inspired by START2ACT to adopt a more energy-efficient approach when it comes to their premises.


START2ACT brings together a wide range of interactive activities and support in order to motivate young SMEs and startups to save energy and cut costs at the workplace. Now it is high time to showcase how different enterprises from our seven Central and Eastern European countries apply what they have learnt.

 “We believe that saving energy is very important – doing more with less energy – it benefits us, our country and the world. […] Saving energy means wasting less money, wasting less primary fuels and producing less pollution.” (Mrs. Markéta Šimková, Energy-Hub s.r.o.)

From temperature optimization to lighting replacement, check out here how Czech and Hungarian startups and young SMEs benefit from START2ACT consultancy and mentoring.

Stay tuned, as Best Practices from other countries will be published soon!

Porada dnia
Sprawdzenie stanu technicznego urządzeń i instalacji elektrycznej to pierwszy krok w myśleniu o planie poprawy efektywności energetycznej.

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