Saving energy on heating during the winter

Saving energy on heating during the winter

It’s winter again. After a chilly commute, you welcome the warmth of the office. However, some people are complaining that they are feeling cold. Is there a way to satisfy everyone’s needs? And what can the manager do to keep the employees happy and the energy bills low?

Saving energy can be as easy as closing the windows to let the HVAC system work efficiently. By adopting some quick and easy measures, you can witness a drop in utility bills and a greater determination for environmental issues on a company level. Try out some of our tips below or find more via our online resources on the Interactive Energy Saving Platform!


  • Set the right temperature: decreasing the office temperature by only 1 °C can save you up to 8% of heating costs! Offices should generally keep a temperature between 21 and 23 °C.
  • Heat only when and where necessary: if you don’t have one already, invest in an automated HVAC system that implements temperature settings according to external weather conditions and business schedules.
  • Dress up warm: before increasing the temperature, consider wearing an extra layer. Dressing in layers is saving energy and protects you from catching a cold.
  • Unblock heating emitters: use the full potential of their heating power by allowing the warm air to radiate freely in the room.
  • Turn the heating down before opening a window: If you are too hot, first check whether the heating is on and whether it can be turned down before opening a window. If it is on, opening a window can cause the heating system to work even harder.


How do you keep your office warm in an energy efficient way? Enter our upcoming START2ACT Challenge from the 8th of January and win valuable prizes!

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